Cyber Security Month

Security First. Always.

We end Cyber Security Awareness month by summarising the key focus areas:

  1. Every individual is accountable for establishing responsible online habits and behaviours, as exploitation of our mistakes remains the number 1 security risk for our own, and our company’s data security.
  2. Ignorance is not an excuse in this information age. There are literally thousands of resources available to educate yourself, your peers and your employees on the latest threats and how to mitigate them.

Why is this valuable? Well, having a network designed to expand and adapt to changing market and business requirements also means that you won’t have to go searching for a new solution when a fourth-generation solution is eventually required. Given how rapidly digital innovation transforms how and where companies do business, organisations need tools designed to scale and adapt. Because if we have learned anything, the next big thing is probably right around the corner.

Read more here: ZTNA and the Third Generation of SD-WAN | Network World

To find out more about our SuperWAN, ZTNA and Managed Security solutions, contact Echo!